Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Cindy Allen for City Council

The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – which has supported pro-environment local candidates throughout Los Angeles County for more than four decades – announced its endorsement of my campaign for Long Beach City Council.

I am thrilled to be endorsed by the LALCV. Fighting climate change and protecting our environment have been priorities for me since day one. I have always felt that our current environmental policies have not gone far enough. It is past time for a more aggressive approach. We need to accept that climate change is real, and that it’s happening right now. We also need to acknowledge that low-income communities and people of color are the most impacted by climate change. We have to do better, and I will always advocate for environmental policies that are rooted in social justice.

LALCV Board President Michael Kadish released the following statement:

“We are excited to endorse Cindy Allen because not only does she know we can do better, but she also has a positivity and inclusiveness that will bring people together to find solutions to the pressing environmental issues facing Long Beach. We look forward to working with her to address the unique environmental justice challenges that face California’s largest port city every day."

Read the full LALCV press release here.